Bethany is one of my dearest friends ever! She was the Maid of honor in my wedding, she and I lived together for 4 years. She helped me through so much personally and physically. I have been waiting for her to find the perfect guy. Her ideals were high, mine may have been higher! Beth or as Me and my kids call her, Betta, is a world travelor. She lived in Belgium as a exchange student in high school, was a teacher in China and worked as a missionary in Katzacstan, part of the former Soviet Union. I knew she would marry someone from another country. It turns out to be Rivaleno, or Riv for short. He was born in Haiti and lives now in Maine. I am so happy for the two of them! I am gushing! I knew he was the one when she told me all about her ring....only her dearest friend would know the specifics and he hit the nail on the head! Well Done Riv, thanks for making my girl so happy! I love you Bet!