Hello Amber!!!!!!!!!!
How are you? I have been meaning to call/write, but things have been crazy with my job.......but I keep thinking about you!
I miss talking to you! I went through a bit of wedding withdrawal, I must say, but I keep thinking about the whole weekend, and I wouldn't change a thing. I want to say that Alex and I were thrilled, and you made everything perfect. I noticed a million little things that you did, and I know I must have missed a million more, so I am hoping that Audra's photos will help me capture some of those things. (By the way, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the photos I got so far, and I can't wait for the rest! She has an incredible eye!) The lobster bake was beautiful, and so was the ceremony and reception. You were an amazing help to me for the whole day on the wedding day, keeping me on track, making sure I ate, buttoning my dress.......and you totally kept me calm before the ceremony (even when I wanted to start early!) :) And I don't know if Audra caught any photos of the petals from my bouquet falling out during the ceremony, but I laughed because I heard you in my head telling me not to try and open the mums (but of course I did it anyway...) You took the ideas that I had for the whole weekend and made them a reality, and I am forever grateful for that.
Also, I hope that you and Peter had a good time at the reception (even though it was still work for you.) I know you broke a rule of yours, but I hope it was worth it for you, and that you and Peter enjoyed it at least a little bit.
At any rate, it was all amazing, and both Alex's brother and sister said they were happy they got married before me, because I set the bar way too high!
Talk to you soon!