Now that the ribbons, bows, and paper have finally settled after the frenzy of Christmas, we have a little time to reflect on all the glorious things that make life so sweet. You, my love, are one of them...
How is it possible that another year has almost passed us by? Our kids are another year older, making our houses seem just that much cozier. Sweetest Thing part deux celebrated its one year anniversary in September. Our friendship is just that much stronger. Our love for weddings and design is given a boost, as is our skill, with every beautiful couple and event that crosses our collective path. The best part of our job is that there is always time and opportunity to smell the roses.
We look forward to the new and wonderful possibilities that await us all in 2012. Thank you for keeping your eye on Sweetest Thing. Hopefully we'll continue to surprise you all. In the meantime, here's a few for the highlight reel.
Amber & Kathryn
sweet things
A & K at the Bangor Bridal Show, January 2011 Photo Credit: Mel Brooks |
Looking and feeling glamorous with the fabulous Audra at the L Factor charity hair show in February 2011. |
Bustin' a move at Harriet's Bat Mitzvah in the spring. Photo credit: Mark McCall |
A Farewell Event in Bangor. We are bookended by the always sophisticated Anne Schmidt on the left and the lovely Deb Neuman on the right. |
Amber's husband, Peter, did us a solid Folk Festival weekend and took 5 out of 6 of our kids to the festival grounds. Here they are posing with Deb. L to R: Parker, Paige, Gwyneth, Izze, Thomas. |
Emma broke her arm in October. Paige went to the hospital as moral support. Looks like it's working. |
Trick or treating. Yeah, you wish we were YOUR cool moms. |